Saturday, August 25, 2012

So...I started a new blog.

For reasons unknown, of course.

Ok well, I do have some reasons, but they are quite embarrassing ones, so I don't think I should reveal them... if they are not obvious enough.
  1. My old blog was started when I was, what, 16? And as you know, at age 16, we are nothing but raging buds of hormones, so it is only normal that our blog posts during then are a bit, er, dumb.
  2. The URL for my old blog is a little bit hard for people to understand, because obviously, I am not famous enough. But I do realise that famous bloggers have short and sweet stage names, so I chose mine - Lady Hera. 
  3. Ultimately (and this is the most embarrassing one), I want people to read me. (translation: I want to be a famous blogger!)
And so, those are my embarrassing reasons. I hope my honesty in my first post is enough to garner more and more readers soon, because I will also try my best to put up many, many kick-ass posts with nice photos and pretty faces (mine, mostly).

So you might ask why I chose such a cheesy and act-cute name Lady-Hera for my blog name. Well, I have a background story! 

You see, my boyfriend is a very interesting man. He likes playing racing games very much. *And so, because he has a very lame name (LOL SORRY IT IS), which is, Salam, he decides to use another name to register for said racing games so that when his name appears on the top of the winner list (as always), people will actually think it is quite cool.

So the name that he chose was Lord Zeus.

And if you Google it, you will find out that Lord Zeus's wife was Lady Hera. And yes during your research you may also discover that Lady Hera was Lord Zeus's sister also, but let's not talk about that part.

And also, Lady Hera happens to be the Goddess Marriage, Women and Birth, so I attribute the suitability of this stage name for me to the fact that, I, myself, am a very womanly lady, one who loves passionately and of course, gets along with babies really well:

So that's the reason for my newly acquired stage name. 

It's a really nice name, if you read it out loud while thinking about my face.

Because it's a name that's made for me, obviously. Or maybe I am Lady Hera's reincarnation, since we're both similarly beautiful, gorgeous and womanly, duh.

*I totally made that up.

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