Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oppa Canton style!

I feel a little bit stupid. Now that I have started a new blog (and yes, it is very pretty and squeaky clean), I am finding it to hard to decide, when I want to blog, where that blog post should go. My old blog or new blog?

But never mind, since this is a new blog, I shall post this post here. (Also because I want to recycle photos from the old blog here LOL)

Okay so on to my topic.

I was reading AshOhTonic's blog just now I suddenly I realised something: Before my affinity for Malay boys started, I actually had a thing for boys who speak Cantonese!


Just now I was watching her videos with her boyfriend and suddenly all the memories came rushing back: a guy who is able to speak Cantonese is so...appealing! 

You see, Cantonese is my mother's tongue! Someone who can speak it really attracts me! And to think of it, it's more appealing, even, than speaking English!!!

Ok so this is a bit scary. You see, I have irrational affinity for things. Somethings that I like, I really have no solid reasons for them. Ie thick eyebrows, my boyfriend's tummy, onions (raw or cooked), squared nails and guys who can speak Cantonese.


Yes, I want that. That is what I want. I want that that that. (Jeff Ng if you are reading this, this is what I meant and not your dirty assumptions lol)

I actually like the really, really Hong Kong-style Cantonese, but too bad I have nobody to speak it to. (Not that I am very well-versed in it, but I can improve by speaking it!) You may ask, if Cantonese is my mother tongue, how come I can't speak it with my family? That's because the Cantonese we speak is the Malaysian Cantonese. == 

It is nothing compared to what HK Cantonese sounds like! HK Cantonese is very...very... ok HK Cantonese is the equivalent of British English, in a sense. Now you get what I mean?

I love it!

Supposing I start speaking HK Cantonese to my sister, I think she would slap me first before asking me (in Malaysian Cantonese) what on earth I was trying to do.

So you see. It isn't easy trying to be all HK in Klang. Maybe in KL it would be easier! And since I am in KL now...hmm...

Anyway. I will first start with my mission to convert Lord Zeus to a HK Cantonese speaking hottie first and only then I will try to convince people around me to speak it!

I don't think it will be too hard to convert LZ though, because before this we mainly conversed in Malay but after regularly speaking in English, all of a sudden we just could no longer speak Malay to one another anymore!!! It sounds weird whenever we try to speak Malay again so in the end we gave up and started to only speak in English. lol

Before I end this post maybe I should clarify on what exactly differentiates HK Cantonese to Malaysian Cantonese. I will give comparisons:

Hey, what's up lately?
MC: Wei, lei gan pai zou meh ah?
HKC: Wei, nei gan pai yao meh gao ah?

Hi, have you eaten?
MC: Wei, sek jor fan mei?
HKC: Wei, sek bao mei ah?

Wah! That guy is damn hot!
MC: Wah! Goh gor lam zai hou leng zai ah!
HKC: Wah! Gor tiu zai hou sok ah!

HAHAHAHA ok so I know these are not very clarifying explanations but I think you Cantonese speakers will understand what I mean right???

"Me? Speak HK Cantonese???"

Lord Zeus & Lady Hera


Oooh! Last Monday me and Ee Vonne bought a mini cake for Akmal because it was his birthday!

One thing hanging out with Ee Vonne that made me realise is, we should always just try to make someone happy, no matter how small the effort is.

If it was up to me, I would have just wished him a Happy Birthday and that was the end of it, but Ee Vonne suggested that we bought a cake for Akmal, and we did!

I would have been too worried that he might think it in a wrong way, or that I might have many follow-up birthday gifts to give to my other friends (when you give to one friend, you have to give to the others too right. It's only fair!), yes yes I am very selfish, and that's why I thank Ee Vonne for this!

She made me realise that as long as we have the heart to do something that can make a person happy, just do it! Don't allow the other petty excuses to dampen your deed.

And it really makes all the difference. :)


  1. Hi milady,
    Lord Zeus is the first comment-er on your blog.
    Congratulations on your new blog whooooohhoooo!!!
    *thunder strikes to celebrate a new blog*

    it looks very neat and easy to read. i love the layout of your bloggg. <3<3<3

  2. hello Lord Zeus!

    hehehehe you love the layout of my blog? you ONLY love the layout of my blog?? only only only? who else do you love huh who else do you love :b
